on from the previous blog post, I'm looking at NPC kills.
be looking at from Cruis to today.
Increased from Cruis to Hyperion, then dropped the same amount to
Oceanus. Only to rise again and then stabilize around rhea at
approximately 50% higher than Cruis.
the pos's in C1 did increase it was in no way anywhere near as much
as npc kills, meaning there is a lot more ratting happening now than
Had a slight dip leading up to Hyperion and a bit after. only to
start increasing again sharply to Pheobe and then continued at a
steadier pace up to today, showing a overall increase of nearly 100%
npc kills.
looking at the previous blog we see POS's increased by 10 to 15%, The
increase in npc kills is probably do in some part to C4's having the
extra static as well as the sites being coming a lot more profitable,
encouraging people to do them. C2's seem a lot more active now than
C3 At
Cruis C3's had more npc than any other class. They showed a slight
rise just after the expansion but then dropped before Hyperion, which
continued to Oceanus, this was a fairly significant drop of about 20
to 25%. It gained this back by Pheobe and then slowly increased to
Proteus where it dropped slightly. Although its still slightly higher
than it was Cruis.
the POS's stayed pretty stable throughout this whole period its
fairly safe to assume the drop in npc kills leading up to Hyperion
and a bit after was down to people being concerned at just how safe
it was to run sites in the time. But the increase in income coming up
to Pheobe encouraged people back to killing red crosses.
Between Cruis and a bit past Hyperion C4's took a massive drop in npc
kills (about 30 to 35%). It stayed at this leave through Oceanus to
Pheobe, then picked up with increasing pace to Proteus where its
dropped slightly. But still finishing at the same level as Cruis.
huge drop in npc kills happens a month or so before the very slight
drop in POS in C4 space. I'm not sure if this is people panicking or
super active farming groups packing up. The increase in npc kills is
also a month or so after when POS's pick up although its a much, much
steeper increase than the POS increase. I'm hoping its just the
delayed time in people packing up moving out and new people moving
back in and setting up.
Saw a steady drop npc kills through Cruis in to Hyperion, the drop
was about 15%. It then rose sharply come Oceanus to Pheobe where it
dropped a small about, before bouncing back at Rhea to a all time
high today. The total increase from Cruis to now being close to 35 to
40%. They now also hold the title of having most npc's killed
of any class of W-space.
there was a slight drop in POS's around Oceanus this doesn't fit in
with the npc kills, which were increasing. There was a small increase
POS's over the time from Cruis to now but nothing what so ever like
the increase in npc kills. My guess is that a lot of these npc will
be capital escalations. But I need to check on that.
From Cruis to Hyperion the number of npc's dropped a small amount
only to bounce back by Oceanus, although its slowly dropped
since to were it is today. The drop from Cruis to today is about 10
to 15%
graphs for both POS's and npc kills are very similar. C6 are the only
class that is lower than at Crius, so a bit gutted there.
npc kills from Cruis to today has gone up. Its hard to say exactly
how much, although my guess is approximately 15 to 20%. I'm pretty
happy at this, especially as this is just npc kills it doesn't
include people doing the null sec data and relic sites, which I hope
to get some info on soon.
C1 to
C4 seem a lot more active than Hyperion. It's also worth remembering that the data and relic null sec sites in C1 to C3 don't show up in this graph, I'm still trying to get some numbers on them. C5 and C6 show some
interesting stuff. People probably expect most npc kills in these
wormholes will be from capital escalations. While C5 npc has gone
through the roof, in C6 they have dropped. On checking with CCP
Fozzie it appears that while some of the increase in C5 npc kills are
from sleeper guardians the greater part is from other sleepers,
Showing that its not all from cap escalation farming but other PvE as